Friday, 8 March 2013

Recent Activity

So, once again it's been a long time since I've blogged, but I feel like there are some important projects that I'll be posting about in the near future:

Full Colour LD LED Display:
While the rest of the world is constantly pushing for higher resolution displays, I'm creating a low-definition full-colour 27mm square pixel LED display. The PCB design I'm about to send for manufacture is an 8x4 LED array powered by TLC5940 driver chips. The 1,600 RGB LEDs I've ordered should ship later this month.

STM32F4-Discovery with Eclipse
Since reaching the 32kB code limit with several projects using the Keil IDE, and also needing the ability to place code at absolute memory locations (and wanting to do so easily with a custom linker file), I decided to make the move across to the Eclipse/GCC/OpenOCD combination. It's taken a little effort, but I'm finally at the point where I can:

  • Edit
  • Compile
  • Download code to the board
  • Debug
  • View all STM32F407 peripheral registers during debugging
I'm indenting to post a 'Getting Started Guide' once I'm happy with the setup.

Software-Defined Radio
I recently purchased a $10 DVB-T/DAB/FM receiver off eBay, and I've been pleasantly surprised just how much of the RF spectrum it can receive. I'm awaiting delivery of my BladeRF board that I purchased through a Kickstarter project so I can really start delving into the SDR world, and I'll make some posts about how that goes!