Friday, 28 March 2014

Installing a Brother HL-2140 on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit

When you let Ubuntu install a Brother HL-2140 printer, for some reason every print job will return an endless stream of blank pages. It seems to be a problem that's existed for quite a few Ubuntu versions, and while I'm not sure why they haven't fixed it yet (legacy hardware?), the solution on the relevant Brother support page seems to be lacking a key step for Ubuntu 13.10 compatibility.

The prerequisites for Ubuntu8.04 or greater are:
  1. "sudo aa-complain cupsd" command is required before the installation.
  2. "sudo mkdir /usr/share/cups/model" command (as it is) is required before the installation.
However, my system has no idea what "aa-complain cupsd" is. The solution is to install appamor-utils:
sudo apt-get install apparmor-utils
After this, I was able issue the prerequisite commands and proceed with the installation. I've seen a few people mention that you can simply install an HL-2140 as an HL-2170 and the problem should be fixed, but with 13.10 I couldn't see how to manually install a printer as one that Ubuntu has already recognised via the USB connection. Perhaps manual specification was easier in versions before 13.10.

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Installing Altera Quartus II 13.0.0 Build 156 and Modelsim on Ubuntu 13.10 64-bit

So I thought the installation of Quartus was successful, and I'd finished writing a VHDL test bench, but when I went to launch the Model Sim simulation software from within Quartus I was shown an error message:
Can't launch ModelSim-Altera Simulation software -- make sure the software is properly installed and the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE or MGLS_LICENSE_FILE points to the correct license file.
Initially I thought this may have been a licencing issue, which would have been strange since I was using the free "Web Edition".
After searching for a while, similar problems were being experienced by others due to the ia32-libs libraries not being installed, but I wasn't able to install them (i.e. using "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs") since the package was not available.

The solution was to install a different package with the following command:
sudo apt-get install libc6:i386 lsb-core
However, when I tried to run Model Sim from the terminal (done by executing vsim from the /altera/13.0/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/ directory) I was given another error:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
This lead me to install libxft2:i386 with:
sudo apt-get install libxft2:i386
But Linux wasn't done preventing me from running Model Sim:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
And I wasn't done breaking down the barriers:
sudo apt-get install libncurses5:i386
After this the software launched correctly from terminal and also from within Quartus II. There's probably a simpler solution or package to install, so if anyone knows, that would be helpful. But for now it's working!